Kamis, 17 Agustus 2017

17 August 2017

Morning Line Up :

Remind the Duty to take care and more details about water and electricity checking.

Work Activities :

Begitu masuk Pagi dapat info bahwa Hotel sedang krisis Air, dan cek di Loker cowok memang tidak ada air.
Check GWT Mansion for Water condition

Repair Reading lights Master mansion 5.
 Repair Handle door Main door Mansion 5.

 Repair Curtain Hook in Master mansion 5

 Repair drain sink Double Mansion 1

 Clean grass in Mansion 2
 make defect list for Mansion 6 for block CARE.

Rabu, 16 Agustus 2017

16 August 2017

Morning Line Up :

Preparation for Independence Day

Leader Line Up:
  1. CARE Continue install liem stone wall and security Post
  2. Focus M5 for Pak Glenn Check In
  3. Remind Pak Andy about Garden Indosekar contract 
Gate each Mansion need to change with Copper, please find quotation and the wheels need to change and all the rail.
Engineering Main job :
  • Saving Energy, Saving Cost
  • Proper Deliver jobs
  • helpin and trust Vendor
" Integrity and Teamwork is the basic of Working "
 Work Activities :

Art Work Pillar Mansion 5 fell down cause of termite.

Change Living terrace Pillar light Mansion 5

Drain Sink in kitchen clogged cause of this waste in Mansion 2.

Check the PO for Buggy R1, Bu Luna ask me to chase the PO

Selasa, 15 Agustus 2017

15 August 2017

Morning Line Up:

Employment Engagement Survey result  is Still 100%. Pak Andy Congrats and Thanks to All Team for Maintaining the result 100%.

Leader Line Up :
  1. Today we have 3 Mansion check in : Mansion 2, 3 and 6
  2. Prepare M5 for Pak Glenn Check In.
  3. Care Team will do maintain the stone wall and Mansion 5.
Work Activities :

Walk through with Pak Nengah INDOSEKAR in Mansion 2 for improvement and upgrade the Garden

To finish the data for Energy Room Cost take pictures of Gym equipment

 Take Pictures of Mansion 2 sliding door condition

 Get report from Pool team that Mansion 2 Pool pump off, and check directly and back to Normal

 Repair Tissue holder in Mansion 2 Master shaking

 Take picture of Energy Data

 Turn On the Jockey Pump

 Check Telephone in Master M3 info from Pak Suarma no ring

 Cleaning the outdoor shower pool Mansion 5 with CARE Team