Kamis, 10 Agustus 2017

10 August 2017

Morning Line Up :

Hotel Anniversary Plan

Leader Line Up :
  1. Prepare EA in Mansion 3 and M6 
  2. CARE repaint in Genset room and check all door in Mansion 5

               "Need to Install Spot Lights for Genset to reduce/prevent Moisture" : Pak Putu

                Will do Mansion Walk through  Together Pak Andy and Me every Friday 3 O'clock

                                                  "Menghargai Tugas Masing-masing"

Work Activities :
Change Mirror light in M2 master and clean the Wash bacin drainage taht block cause of dirty of hair and grease.

 Mansion 5 Lightning pole counter "00003"

 CARE Team check and repair all Door in Mansion 5

 Clean Pool drainage M5
 Warm up Steam Generator in Mansion 5 Spa Pavilliun.

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