Rabu, 09 Agustus 2017

9 August 2017

Morning Line Up :

Leader Line Up :
  1. Prepare EA in M2.
  2. Energy Cost For Mansion 2 already Done.
  3. CARE in Mansion Manager Office.
  4. PM Helvar Dinner
             " Exhaust Fan need to set up to prevent working 24 hour, need to give some time to stop"

Work Activities :

Spare part for Jig saw and Planner Blade has arrive and give already to CARE Team
 Change batteries Mansion 1 Guest King SDB

 Pak Muslih, Check the bolts and nuts of the Lightning pool.
 PM Helvar

 Mansion 6 warm up the kitchen equipment
Wine chiller
 Dishwashing Masnion
 Drain Block need to service

 Chiller already modifies to Alliwell Cntrol

 PM Helvar System M6

 PM helvar System M5

 Take Pictures of Mansion 5, and sent via WA to Pak Agus

 PM Helvar M3

 Modified Chiller alliwell so Freeze make coke can blow, asking Pak Wira to check and resetting the Sensor and setting.

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